Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 7.0 exam Dumps

NSE5_FAZ-7.0 exam Format | Course Contents | Course Outline | exam Syllabus | exam Objectives

Test Details:
- exam Name: Fortinet NSE5_FAZ-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 7.0
- exam Format: Multiple-choice questions
- exam Duration: 120 minutes
- Passing Score: Varies (set by Fortinet)
- Prerequisites: None
- Certification Validity: Valid for two years

Course Outline: Fortinet NSE5_FAZ-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 7.0

I. Introduction to FortiAnalyzer
A. Overview of FortiAnalyzer features and capabilities
B. Deployment options and system requirements
C. User interface and navigation

II. Log Management and Analysis
A. Collecting and managing logs from Fortinet devices
B. Analyzing and correlating logs for threat detection and incident response
C. Generating reports and alerts based on log data

III. Advanced Log and Event Management
A. Customizing log settings and filters
B. Configuring log forwarding and archiving
C. Managing event handlers and log processing

IV. FortiAnalyzer Administration and Troubleshooting
A. User and device management
B. System administration and maintenance tasks
C. Troubleshooting common issues and errors

V. Integration with Security Fabric
A. Integrating FortiAnalyzer with other Fortinet security solutions
B. Utilizing FortiAnalyzer for centralized security management and visibility
C. Monitoring and reporting on Security Fabric events

Exam Objectives:
- Understand the features and capabilities of FortiAnalyzer
- Configure and manage log collection from Fortinet devices
- Analyze and correlate logs for threat detection and incident response
- Generate reports and alerts based on log data
- Customize log settings and filters for advanced log management
- Perform administration tasks and troubleshoot FortiAnalyzer

The syllabus for the Fortinet NSE5_FAZ-7.0 Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 7.0 course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to FortiAnalyzer
- Log Management and Analysis
- Advanced Log and Event Management
- FortiAnalyzer Administration and Troubleshooting
- Integration with Security Fabric

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Fortinet NSE 5 - FortiAnalyzer 7.0
Question: 29
Youve moved a registered logging device out of one ADOM and into a new ADOM.
What happens when you rebuild the new ADOM database?
A. FortiAnalyzer resets the disk quota of the new ADOM to default.
B. FortiAnalyzer migrates archive logs to the new ADOM.
C. FortiAnalyzer migrates analytics logs to the new ADOM.
D. FortiAnalyzer removes logs from the old ADOM.
Answer: C
Question: 30
In order for FortiAnalyzer to collect logs from a FortiGate device, what configuration is required? (Choose two.)
A. Remote logging must be enabled on FortiGate
B. Log encryption must be enabled
C. ADOMs must be enabled
D. FortiGate must be registered with FortiAnalyzer
Answer: A,D
Pg 70: after you add and register a FortiGate device with the FortiAnalyzer unit, youmust also ensure that the FortiGate device is configured to send logs to
theFortiAnalyzer unit.
Pg 45: ADOMs must be enabled to support the logging and reporting of NON-FORTIGATE devices, such as FortiCarrier, FortiClientEMS, FortiMail, FortiWeb,
FortiCache, and FortiSandbox.
Question: 31
What does the disk status Degraded mean for RAID management?
A. One or more drives are missing from the FortiAnalyzer unit. The drive is no longer available to the operating system.
B. The FortiAnalyzer device is writing to all the hard drives on the device in order to make the array fault tolerant.
C. The FortiAnalyzer device is writing data to a newly added hard drive in order to restore the hard drive to an optimal state.
D. The hard driveiIs no longer being used by the RAID controller
Answer: D
Question: 32
In FortiAnalyzers FormView, source and destination IP addresses from FortiGate devices are not resolving toa hostname.
How can you resolve the source and destination IPs, without introducing any additionalperformance impact to FortiAnalyzer?
A. Configure local DNS servers on FortiAnalyzer
B. Resolve IPs on FortiGate
C. Configure # set resolve-ip enable in the system FortiView settings
D. Resolve IPs on a per-ADOM basis to reduce delay on FortiView while IPs resolve
Answer: B
Question: 33
What is the purpose of a dataset query in FortiAnalyzer?
A. It sorts log data into tables
B. It extracts the database schema
C. It retrieves log data from the database
D. It injects log data into the database
Answer: C
Reference: https://docs2.fortinet.com/document/fortianalyzer/6.0.4/administration-guide/148744/creating-datasets
Question: 34
Which two statements are true regarding fabric connectors? (Choose two.)
A. Configuring fabric connectors to send notification to ITSM platform upon incidentcreation Is more efficient than third-party information from the FortiAnalyzer
B. Fabric connectors allow to save storage costs and Strengthen redundancy.
C. Storage connector service does not require a separate license to send logs to cloud platform.
D. Cloud-Out connections allow you to send real-time logs to pubic cloud accounts like Amazon S3, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud.
Answer: A,D
Question: 35
The admin administrator is failing to register a FortiClient EMS on the FortiAnalyzer device.
What can be the reason for this failure?
A. FortiAnalyzer is in an HA cluster.
B. ADOM mode should be set to advanced, in order to register the FortiClient EMS device.
C. ADOMs are not enabled on FortiAnalyzer.
D. A separate license is required on FortiAnalyzer in order to register the FortiClient EMS device.
Answer: C
Reference: https://help.fortinet.com/fa/faz50hlp/56/5-6-2/FMG-FAZ/0800_ADOMs/0015_FortiClient%20and%20ADOMs.htm
Question: 36
What can the CLI command # diagnose test application oftpd 3 help you to determine?
A. What devices and IP addresses are connecting to FortiAnalyzer
B.What logs, if any, are reaching FortiAnalyzer
C.What ADOMs are enabled and configured
D.What devices are registered and unregistered
Answer: A
Question: 37
What are analytics logs on FortiAnalyzer?
A. Log type Traffic logs.
B. Logs that roll over when the log file reaches a specific size.
C. Logs that are indexed and stored in the SQL.
D. Raw logs that are compressed and saved to a log file.
Answer: C
Question: 38
Which statements are true regarding securing communications between FortiAnalyzer and FortiGate with IPsec? (Choose two.)
A. Must configure the FortiAnalyzer end of the tunnel onlythe FortiGate end is auto-negotiated.
B. Must establish an IPsec tunnel ID and pre-shared key.
C. IPsec cannot be enabled if SSL is enabled as well.
D. IPsec is only enabled through the CLI on FortiAnalyzer.
Answer: AB
Question: 39
For which two purposes would you use the command set log checksum? (Choose two.)
A. To help protect against man-in-the-middle attacks during log upload from FortiAnalyzer to an SFTP server
B. To prevent log modification or tampering
C. To encrypt log communications
D. To send an identical set of logs to a second logging server
Answer: A,B
Question: 40
Which two statements are true regarding high availability (HA) on FortiAnalyzer? (Choose two.)
A. FortiAnalyzer HA can function without VRRP. and VRRP is required only if you have more than two FortiAnalyzer devices in a cluster.
B. FortiAnalyzer HA supports synchronization of logs as well as some system and configuration settings.
C. All devices in a FortiAnalyzer HA cluster must run in the same operation mode: analyzer or collector.
D. FortiAnalyzer HA implementation is supported by many public cloud infrastructures such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
Answer: B,C
Reference: https://help.fortinet.com/fa/faz50hlp/60/6-0-2/Content/FMG-FAZ/4600_HA/0000_HA.htm?TocPath=High%20Availability%7C_____0
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