IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator test Dumps

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C1000-174 PDF sample Questions

C1000-174 sample Questions

Question: 1
Which of the following tools can be used to monitor and tune the performance of IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment?
A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
B. IBM HTTP Server
C. IBM WebSphere Liberty
D. IBM WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit
Answer: A, D
Explanation: To monitor and tune the performance of IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the following tools can be used:
A. IBM Tivoli Monitoring: IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides comprehensive monitoring and performance management capabilities for WebSphere Application Server. It allows administrators to monitor various performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the performance of the environment.
D. IBM WebSphere Application Server Performance Tuning Toolkit: The Performance Tuning Toolkit is a tool provided by IBM specifically designed to tune and optimize the performance of WebSphere Application Server. It includes features such as performance advisors, diagnostic tools, and performance analysis reports to help identify and resolve performance issues. IBM HTTP Server (option B) is a web server that can be used in conjunction with WebSphere Application Server for load balancing and serving static content but is not primarily focused on performance monitoring and tuning. IBM WebSphere Liberty (option C) is a lightweight Java runtime that can be used as an alternative to the full WebSphere Application Server. While it provides some performance benefits, it is not a dedicated monitoring and tuning tool.
IBM MQ (option E) is a messaging middleware that enables applications to communicate asynchronously. While it can be integrated with WebSphere Application Server, it is not primarily used for performance monitoring and tuning.
Question: 2
After successfully installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, an administrator encounters an issue where the server fails to start. Which of the following could be potential causes for this issue?
A. Incorrect configuration of the database connection pool.
B. Insufficient disk space on the server.
C. Incorrect permissions for the application files.
D. Incompatible Java version.
E. Network connectivity issues.
Answer: A, B, C, D, E
Explanation: There can be multiple potential causes for the issue where IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment fails to start. Some of the possible causes include:
A. Incorrect configuration of the database connection pool: If the database connection pool is not configured correctly, it can prevent the server from starting. This could include incorrect database credentials, invalid connection URLs, or misconfigured connection pool settings.
B. Insufficient disk space on the server: If the server's disk space is full or insufficient, it can prevent the server from starting or cause unexpected errors during startup.
C. Incorrect permissionsfor the application files: If the permissions for the application files are not set correctly, the server may not be able to access or read the necessary files, leading to a failure in starting up.
D. Incompatible Java version: WebSphere Application Server has specific Java version requirements. If an incompatible Java version is used, it can result in startup failures.
E. Network connectivity issues: If there are network connectivity problems between the server and other required resources, such as databases or external services, it can prevent the server from starting or cause delays in startup. All of these potential causes should be investigated and addressed to troubleshoot the issue and ensure a successful startup of the WebSphere Application Server.
Question: 3
In IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, which of the following security roles is responsible for managing the configuration of the application server environment?
A. Administrator
B. Operator
C. Deployer
D. Monitor
E. Auditor
Answer: A
Explanation: In IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the security role responsible for managing the configuration of the application server environment is the Administrator role. The Administrator has full administrative privileges and can perform tasks such as configuring server settings, managing resources, and deploying applications. This role is typically assigned to system administrators or individuals responsible for the overall administration of the environment. The Operator role (option B) is responsible for monitoring the environment, starting and stopping servers, and performing routine operational tasks. The Deployer role (option C) is responsible for deploying applications to the servers. The Monitor role (option D) is responsible for monitoring the performance and health of the environment. The Auditor role (option E) is responsible for auditing and reviewing the activities performed in the environment for compliance and security purposes.
Question: 4
When configuring a high availability configuration in IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, which of the following components are required?
A. Deployment Manager
B. Node Agent
C. Application Server
D. Web Server
E. Clustering Service
Answer: A, B, C, E
Explanation: To set up a high availability configuration in IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the following components are required:
A. Deployment Manager: The Deployment Manager is responsible for managing the configuration and deployment of applications across multiple application server instances.
B. Node Agent: The Node Agent is responsible for managing the application server instances running on a specific node. It communicates with the Deployment Manager to coordinate configuration changes and application deployments.
C. Application Server: The Application Server is where the applications are deployed and run. In a high availability configuration, multiple application server instances are typically used to ensure redundancy and load balancing.
E. Clustering Service: The Clustering Service allows multiple application server instances to work together as a cluster. It provides load balancing and failover capabilities, ensuring high availability and scalability for the deployed applications. While a Web Server (option D) can be used in conjunction with IBM WebSphere Application Server for load balancing and serving static content, it is not a mandatory component for setting up a high availability configuration.
Question: 5
In IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, which of the following deployment options are available for applications?
A. Exploded directory
B. EAR file
C. WAR file
D. JAR file
E. ZIP file
Answer: A, B, C
Explanation: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment supports multiple deployment options for applications. The following deployment options are available:
A. Exploded directory: In this deployment option, the application is deployed as an exploded directory structure, where the application files are stored in a directory hierarchy. This allows for easy customization and modification of individual files within the application.
B. EAR file: EAR stands for Enterprise Archive, which is a standard file format used in Java EE applications. An EAR file contains all the resources required for an enterprise application, including EJBs, web modules (WAR files), and JAR files.
C. WAR file: WAR stands for Web Archive, which is a file format used for deploying web applications. A WAR file contains all the resources required for a web application, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, servlets, JSPs, and other web-related resources. JAR files (option D) are typically used for packaging Java libraries and components but are not specifically used for deploying applications in WebSphere Application Server. ZIP files (option E) are general-purpose compressed archive files and are not specific to application deployment in WebSphere Application Server.
Question: 6
In IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, which of the following tasks can be performed using the Administrative Console?
A. Configuring security settings for application resources.
B. Deploying applications to the server.
C. Managing JVM settings and garbage collection.
D. Monitoring server performance and health.
E. Creating server clusters.
Answer: A, B, C, D, E
Explanation: The Administrative Console in IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment provides a web-based interface for performing various administrative tasks. Some of the tasks that can be performed using the Administrative Console include:
A. Configuring security settings for application resources: The Administrative Console allows administrators to define and manage security settings for application resources, such as data sources, JMS resources, and EJBs. This includes setting up authentication, authorization, and encryption configurations.
B. Deploying applications to the server: The Administrative Console provides functionalities to deploy applications to the server, including uploading application archives, configuring deployment options, and managing application versions.
C. Managing JVM settings and garbage collection: The Administrative Console allows administrators to configure JVM settings, such as heap size, garbage collection policies, and runtime environments. These settings can be adjusted to optimize performance and resource utilization.
D. Monitoring server performance and health: The Administrative Console provides monitoring capabilities to track server performance and health. It displays real-time metrics, log files, and performance charts to help administrators identify and resolve issues.
E. Creating server clusters: The Administrative Console supports the creation and management of server clusters. Administrators can define cluster configurations, add or remove cluster members, and configure load balancing and failover settings. The Administrative Console is a powerful tool for administering and configuring the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment.
Question: 7
An administrator received an alert notification from their application team that the thin JMS client application failed to connect to the WebSphere Application Server and there was a connection refused error. To troubleshoot the issue, they were advised by IBM Support to collect client and server side traces.
What two methods are available for the administrator to enable trace on the thin client?
A. AdminConsole
B. Trace.xml file
C. Trace.properties file
D. java –D system arguments
E. TraceSettings.properties file
Answer: D, E
Explanation: To enable trace on the thin client, the administrator can use the following methods:
D. java –D system arguments: The administrator can specify the trace settings as system arguments when starting the Java application. For example, they can use the command "java -Dcom.ibm.websphere.trace.start=enabled Dcom.ibm.websphere.trace.level=all" to enable trace.
E. TraceSettings.properties file: The administrator can create a TraceSettings.properties file and specify the desired trace settings in it. This file needs to be placed in the classpath of the thin client application. The trace settings can be configured using properties such as "com.ibm.websphere.trace.start=enabled" and "com.ibm.websphere.trace.level=all". These methods allow the administrator to collect client and server side traces, which can help in diagnosing the connection refused error and identifying the root cause of the issue.

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