IBM Certified Analyst - Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 (Code: C9005200) test Dumps

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C1000-162 sample Questions

Question: 1
When designing rules in QRadar, which option allows for matching an event to a specific set of criteria?
A. Regex patterns
B. Reference sets
C. Custom properties
D. Log sources
Answer: A
Explanation: Regex patterns in QRadar enable the matching of events to a specific set of criteria. Regular expressions provide a powerful and flexible way to define patterns for identifying and correlating events based on specific conditions or characteristics.
Question: 2
Which tab in IBM Security QRadar SIEM allows an analyst to manage the layout and content of dashboards?
A. Offenses
B. Log Activity
C. Network Activity
D. Dashboard
Answer: D
Explanation: The Dashboard tab in IBM Security QRadar SIEM allows an analyst to manage the layout and content of dashboards. Analysts can add, remove, and arrange widgets, as well as customize the visualizations and data sources used in the dashboards.
Question: 3
What is the purpose of correlation rules in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. To define the severity levels of offenses.
B. To link related events and generate offenses.
C. To classify events into different categories.
D. To filter out false positive events.
Answer: B
Explanation: Correlation rules in IBM Security QRadar SIEM are used to link related events and generate offenses. They define the conditions and patterns that, when met, indicate a potential security incident or threat.
Question: 4
What is the purpose of the "LIKE" operator in event searching within IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. To search for events that are similar to a given event.
B. To search for events that contain a specific keyword or pattern.
C. To search for events that are associated with a specific offense.
D. To search for events that occurred within a specific time range.
Answer: B
Explanation: The "LIKE" operator in event searching within IBM Security QRadar SIEM is used to search for events that contain a specific keyword or pattern. It allows analysts to identify events of interest based on specific terms or patterns within the event data.
Question: 5
How can an analyst export a search result as a report in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. Use the "Export" button in the search results page.
B. Write a custom script to extract the search result data.
C. Use the QRadar API to generate a report programmatically.
D. Copy and paste the search result into a separate document.
Answer: A
Explanation: Analysts can export a search result as a report in IBM Security QRadar SIEM by using the"Export" button in the search results page. This allows the analyst to save the search result data in a format suitable for reporting and further analysis.
Question: 6
What is the purpose of building blocks in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. To define custom parsing rules for log sources.
B. To create custom correlation rules for offenses.
C. To design custom dashboards for reporting.
D. To configure threat intelligence feeds for threat hunting.
Answer: B
Explanation: Building blocks in IBM Security QRadar SIEM are used to create custom correlation rules for offenses. These rules define specific conditions and events that, when met, trigger the generation of an offense.
Question: 7
Which tab in IBM Security QRadar SIEM allows an analyst to search for events based on specific criteria?
A. Offenses
B. Log Activity
C. Network Activity
D. Rules
Answer: B
Explanation: The Log Activity tab in IBM Security QRadar SIEM allows an analyst to search for events based on specific criteria. Analysts can apply filters, keywords, time ranges, and other parameters to narrow down the search results.
Question: 8
How can an analyst create a custom dashboard in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. Use the built-in dashboard templates and modify them as needed.
B. Write custom SQL queries to fetch data for the dashboard.
C. Use the QRadar API to develop a custom web-based dashboard.
D. Import pre-built dashboards from the IBM Security App Exchange.
Answer: A
Explanation: Analysts can create a custom dashboard in IBM Security QRadar SIEM by using the built-in dashboard templates and modifying them as needed. The system provides a range of widgets and visualization options that can be tailored to display relevant information.
Question: 9
Which component of IBM Security QRadar SIEM is responsible for analyzing offenses and generating alerts?
A. Event Processor
B. Flow Processor
C. Offense Analyzer
D. Event Collector
Answer: C
Explanation: The Offense Analyzer is the component in IBM Security QRadar SIEM that is responsible for analyzing offenses and generating alerts based on the rules and building blocks configured in the system.
Question: 10
Which component of IBM Security QRadar SIEM is responsible for generating offenses?
A. Event Collector
B. Event Processor
C. Flow Processor
D. Offense Analyzer
Answer: B
Explanation: The Event Processor component in IBM Security QRadar SIEM is responsible for processing incoming events, normalizing them, and generating offenses based on the configured rules and building blocks.

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