IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation v2.4 Administrator test Dumps

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Question: 1
What is the purpose of the "Create Projects and Assemblies" feature in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation?
A. It allows users to create and manage network projects and assemblies for deployment and orchestration.
B. It provides an interface for integrating external orchestration tools with the network automation platform.
C. It enables users to configure and manage network policies and security rules.
D. It allows users to monitor and troubleshoot network performance and connectivity.
Answer: A
Explanation: The "Create Projects and Assemblies" feature in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation allows users to create and manage network projects and assemblies. Projects represent a collection of network configurations and policies, while assemblies define the composition and deployment details of the project. This feature enables efficient deployment and orchestration of network resources.
Question: 2
Which tool is used for managing the network infrastructure and devices in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation?
A. Site Planner
B. Orchestration API
C. Administrator
D. Create Projects and Assemblies
Answer: A Explanation: Site Planner is the tool used for managing the network infrastructure and devices in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation. It provides capabilities for network discovery, inventory management, device configuration, and network visualization.
Question: 3
Which command is used to retrieve information about routes labeled with the component "ibm-nginx" in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation?
A. oc get routes -l component=ibm-nginx
B. oc describe routes -l component=ibm-nginx
C. oc find routes -l component=ibm-nginx
D. oc list routes -l component=ibm-nginx
Answer: A
Explanation: The command "oc get routes -l component=ibm-nginx" is used to retrieve information about routes labeled with the component "ibm-nginx" in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation. The "-l" flag specifies the label selector, and "component=ibm-nginx" filters the routes based on their labels.
Question: 4
What is the recommended approach for upgrading IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation to version 2.4?
A. Perform a fresh installation of version 2.4 and migrate the data from the previous version.
B. Use the built-in upgrade utility to upgrade directly to version 2.4.
C. Manually uninstall the previous version and then install version 2.4.
D. Contact IBM support for assistance with the upgrade process.
Answer: B
Explanation: The recommended approach for upgrading IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation to version 2.4 is to use the built-in upgrade utility provided by IBM. This utility streamlines the upgrade process and ensures compatibility and data integrity.
Question: 5
When using the Orchestration API, which HTTP method is typically used for creating a new network resource?
Answer: B
Explanation: When using the Orchestration API in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation, the HTTP method typically used for creating a new network resource is "POST". The "POST" method is used to submit data to be processed and create a new resource based on that data.
Question: 6
Which component is responsible for managing and controlling the overall operations of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation?
A. Site Planner
B. Orchestration API
C. Administrator
D. Install and Upgrade
Answer: C
Explanation: The Administrator component of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation is responsible for managing and controlling the overall operations of the platform. It includes tasks such as user management, system configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting.
Question: 7
Which component of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation is responsible for managing user access and permissions?
A. Site Planner
B. Orchestration API
C. Administrator
D. Create Projects and Assemblies
Answer: C
Explanation: The Administrator component of IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation is responsible for managing user access and permissions. It allows administrators to define roles, assign permissions, and control user authentication and authorization.
Question: 8
Which API is used for programmatically interacting with IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation?
A. Site Planner API
B. Orchestration API
C. Administrator API
D. Project and Assembly API
Answer: B
Explanation: The Orchestration API is used for programmatically interacting with IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation. This API provides a set of endpoints and operations for automating network provisioning, configuration, and orchestration tasks.
Question: 9
In IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation, what is the purpose of the Site Planner feature?
A. It provides a graphical interface for managing network devices and configurations.
B. It enables centralized monitoring and troubleshooting of network performance.
C. It facilitates network discovery and inventory management.
D. It allows users to define and enforce network policies and security rules.
Answer: C
Explanation: The Site Planner feature in IBM Cloud Pak for Network Automation facilitates network discovery and inventory management. It allows users to discovernetwork devices, collect information about their configurations, and maintain an inventory of the network infrastructure.

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Other Sources

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