IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5 Administration test Dumps

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C1000-156 sample Questions

Question: 1
To optimize the performance of IBM Security QRadar SIEM, which of the following actions should be taken?
A. Increasing the retention period for logs and events
B. Reducing the number of reference sets and building blocks
C. Enabling real-time indexing for all data sources
D. Disabling automatic backups
Answer: B
Explanation: To optimize the performance of QRadar SIEM V7.5, it is recommended to reduce the number of reference sets and building blocks. These components can consume significant system resources, so minimizing their usage can Improve the overall performance and responsiveness of the system.
Question: 2
In IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5, what is the purpose of Tenants and Domains?
A. To manage user authentication and access control
B. To isolate and segregate data and system components
C. To configure high availability and failover
D. To generate compliance reports and alerts
Answer: B
Explanation: In QRadar SIEM V7.5, the purpose of Tenants and Domains is to isolate and segregate data and system components. Tenants provide logical separation of data, while Domains enable separate management and configuration of system components, such as rules, policies, and event processing.
Question: 3
When tuning the accuracy of IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5, what should be considered?
A. Increasing the number of false positives
B. Decreasing the number of log sources
C. Adjusting the log source parsing order
D. Disabling event correlation rules
Answer: C
Explanation: When tuning the accuracy of QRadar SIEM V7.5, one important factor to consider is adjusting the log source parsing order. The log source parsing order determines how the system interprets and processes incoming log data. By adjusting this order, you can prioritize the parsing of more critical log sources and ensure accurate event categorization and correlation.
Question: 4
Which of the following is a valid method to configure high availability in IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5?
A. Configuring a primary and secondary Console with an active-active setup
B. Configuring a primary and secondary Event Collector with an active-passive setup
C. Configuring a primary and secondary Flow Processor with an active-active setup
D. Configuring a primary and secondary Data Node with an active-passive setup Answer: A
Explanation: In QRadar SIEM V7.5, high availability can be achieved by configuring a primary and secondary Console with an active-active setup. This configuration ensures that both Consoles are active and can process events simultaneously, providing redundancy and fault tolerance.
Question: 5
When troubleshooting issues in IBM Security QRadar SIEM, which of the following actions should be performed?
A. Resetting all event retention settings to default values
B. Restarting all system services simultaneously
C. Analyzing system and application logs
D. Disabling all event notification alerts
Answer: C
Explanation: Whentroubleshooting issues in QRadar SIEM V7.5, analyzing system and application logs is an important action to perform. Logs provide valuable information about system events, errors, and potential issues. By carefully reviewing and analyzing these logs, administrators can identify the root cause of problems and take appropriate corrective actions.
Question: 6
Which feature of IBM Security QRadar SIEM enables users to create customized reports based on specific search criteria?
A. Scheduled Searches
B. Offense Analytics
C. Advanced Search
D. Search Profiles
Answer: C
Explanation: The Advanced Search feature in QRadar SIEM V7.5 enables users to create customized reports based on specific search criteria. It provides a flexible and powerful way to define search filters and parameters, allowing users to extract the desired information from the collected data.
Question: 7
Which of the following can be a potential cause of slow search performance in IBM Security QRadar SIEM V7.5?
A. Enabling real-time indexing for all data sources
B. Insufficient system memory
C. Disabling database backups
D. Increasing the number of log sources
Answer: B
Explanation: Insufficient system memory can be a potential cause of slow search performance in QRadar SIEM V7.5. When the system doesn't have enough memory resources, it may struggle to process and retrieve search results efficiently, leading to degraded performance. Allocating sufficient memory to the QRadar SIEM system can help Improve search performance.
Question: 8
Which of the following data source configurations is commonly used to collect network traffic data in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. Syslog event source
B. Windows event source
C. Flow source
D. Database event source
Answer: C
Explanation: To collect network traffic data in QRadar SIEM V7.5, a common data source configuration is the flow source. Flow sources capture information about network connections, such as source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, and protocols. This data is essential for network monitoring and detecting potential security incidents.
Question: 9
Which of the following user management tasks can be performed in IBM Security QRadar SIEM?
A. Assigning specific report access to users
B. Configuring network firewall rules
C. Modifying system configuration settings
D. Managing SSL certificates
Answer: A
Explanation: In QRadar SIEM V7.5, user management tasks include assigning specific report access to users. This allows administrators to control which reports and data are accessible to different users or user groups, ensuring proper data segregation and security.

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