IBM Robotic Process Automation v20.12.x Developer exam Dumps

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C1000-123 trial Questions

Question: 1
Which command is used to trigger an exception and handle errors in IBM Robotic Process Automation?
A. Throw exception
B. Generate error
C. Handle error
D. Catch exception
Answer: A
Explanation: The "Throw exception" command is used to trigger an exception and handle errors in IBM Robotic Process Automation. This command is typically used within an error-handling routine or condition to intentionally raise an error and divert the workflow execution to the appropriate exception handling logic. Options B, C, and D do not accurately describe the command used for triggering exceptions and handling errors in RPA.
Question: 2
Which command is used to pause the execution of a workflow in IBM Robotic Process Automation?
A. Suspend workflow
B. Pause workflow
C. Halt workflow
D. Stop workflow
Answer: A
Explanation: The "Suspend workflow" command is used to pause the execution of a workflow in IBM Robotic Process Automation. When this command is encountered during the execution of a workflow, the automation process temporarily stops until it is resumed. Options B, C, and D do not accurately describe the command used for pausing the workflow in RPA.
Question: 3
Which component of IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for managing and assigning tasks to robots?
A. Task Manager
B. Workflow Orchestrator
C. Process Designer
D. Data Connector
Answer: A
Explanation: The Task Manager component in IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for managing and assigning tasks to robots. It acts as a central hub for task allocation, monitoring, and tracking. The Task Manager ensures that the right tasks are assigned to the appropriate robots based on their capabilities, availability, and workload. Options B, C, and D are not the correct components for managing and assigning tasks to robots in RPA.
Question: 4
What is the purpose of the RPA Recorder tool in IBM Robotic Process Automation?
A. To capture and record user interactions for process automation
B. To analyze system logs for troubleshooting purposes
C. To generate detailed reports on process performance
D. To design and visualize process workflows Answer: A
Explanation: The RPA Recorder tool in IBM Robotic Process Automation is used to capture and record user interactions with applications or systems. It records actions such as mouse clicks, keystrokes, and data entry, which can then be replayed and automated as part of a robotic process. The recorded interactions serve as the basis for creating automation workflows. Options B, C, and D do not accurately describe the purpose of the RPA Recorder tool.
Question: 5
Which component of IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for managing and executing workflows?
A. Task Manager
B. Workflow Orchestrator
C. Process Designer
D. Data Connector
Answer: B
Explanation: The Workflow Orchestrator component in IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for managing and executing workflows. It coordinates the sequence of tasks, assigns them to the appropriate robots or resources, and monitors their progress. The Workflow Orchestrator ensures that the workflows are executed efficiently and according to the defined business rules. Options A, C, and D are not the correct components for managing and executing workflows in RPA.
Question: 6
Which component of IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for integrating with external systems and databases?
A. Data Connector
B. Integration Adapter
C. Process Designer
D. Workflow Orchestrator
Answer: A
Explanation: The Data Connector component in IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for integrating with external systems and databases. It provides the necessary functionality to connect to and exchange data with various external systems, such as CRM applications, ERP systems, or databases. The Data Connector enables the RPA solution to retrieve and update data from external sources as part of the automation process. Options B, C, and D are not the correct components for integrating with external systems in RPA.
Question: 7
What is the purpose of the Object Cloning component in IBM Robotic Process Automation?
A. To create a backup of the system
B. To clone virtual machines
C. To replicate and automate user interactions with desktop applications
D. To synchronize data between databases
Answer: C
Explanation: The Object Cloning component in IBM Robotic Process Automation is used to replicate and automate user interactions with desktop applications. It allows the RPA system to mimic human actions on the user interface of desktop applications, such as clicking buttons, entering data, and navigating screens. Options A, B, and D do not accurately describe the purpose of the Object Cloning component in RPA.
Question: 8
Which component of IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for designing and modeling automation workflows?
A. Task Manager
B. Workflow Orchestrator
C. Process Designer
D. Data Connector
Answer: C
Explanation: The Process Designer component in IBM Robotic Process Automation is responsible for designing and modeling automation workflows. It provides a visual interface and tools for creating and configuring the sequence of tasks, decisions, and actions that make up an automation process. The Process Designer allows users to define the logical flow, conditions, and dependencies of the workflow. Options A, B, and D are not the correct components for designing and modeling automation workflows in RPA.
Question: 9
Which command is used to run another WAL script?
A. Execute routine
B. Start routine
C. Run script
D. Execute script
Answer: C Explanation: The correct command to run another WAL (Workflow Automation Language) script is the "Run script" command. This command allows the execution of a specific script file within the robotic process automation (RPA) system. Options A, B, and D are not the correct commands for this purpose.

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