IBM Cognos Analytics Developer V11.1.x exam Dumps

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C1000-065 PDF sample Questions

C1000-065 sample Questions

Question: 1
Which of the following statements is true regarding data modeling in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Data modeling can only be performed using predefined templates.
B. Data modeling is limited to relational databases only.
C. Data modeling involves creating and defining metadata models.
D. Data modeling does not support the use of calculated fields.
E. Data modeling does not allow for the creation of relationships between data sources.
Answer: C
Explanation: In IBM Cognos Analytics, data modeling involves creating and defining metadata models. Metadata models provide a logical representation of the underlying data sources and define the relationships, calculations, and hierarchies within the data. Data modeling is not limited to predefined templates; it allows for customization and flexibility in defining the structure and semantics of the data. While relational databases are commonly used as data sources, Cognos Analytics supports a wide range of data sources, including multidimensional databases, spreadsheets, and web services. Data modeling supports the creation of calculated fields to perform complex calculations and transformations. Additionally, relationships between data sources can be created and defined within the metadata models to enable data blending and reporting across multiple sources.
Question: 2
Which of the following statements accurately describe the capabilities of reports in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Reports can only be created using predefined templates.
B. Reports can include multiple data sources and join them together.
C. Reports can only be viewed in a web browser and cannot be exported to other formats.
D. Reports cannot contain interactive elements such as drill-through links.
E. Reports can only be scheduled for automatic distribution in PDF format.
Answer: B, D
Explanation: Option B is correct because reports in IBM Cognos Analytics have the capability to include multiple data sources and join them together, allowing for comprehensive data analysis. Option D is also correct because reports can contain interactive elements such as drill-through links, which enable users to navigate from one report to another for more detailed information. Options A, C, and E are incorrect as they either describe limitations that do not exist or incorrect statements about the capabilities of reports in IBM Cognos Analytics. Reports can be created from scratch or using templates, can be viewed in various formats, and can be scheduled for distribution in different formats, not just PDF.
Question: 3
Which of the following options allows you to conditionally format a List object in a report, while keeping it hidden from view?
A. Show/Hide Variable
B. Hidden Variable
C. Render Variable
D. Style Variable
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct answer is C) Render Variable. By using a Render Variable, you can conditionally format a List object in a report without displaying it. The Render Variable controls whether the object is rendered or not based on the specified condition. This allows you to apply formatting to the List object without showing it to the end users.
Question: 4
Which of the following statements is true regarding the creation of dashboards in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Dashboards can only be created using predefined templates.
B. Dashboards can be customized using HTML and CSS.
C. Dashboards can only display visualizations from a single data source.
D. Dashboards can only be accessed and viewed by administrators.
E. Dashboards cannot be scheduled for automated refresh.
Answer: B
Explanation: In IBM Cognos Analytics, dashboards can be customized using HTML and CSS. This allows developers to have full control over the visual appearance and layout of the dashboard. Predefined templates can be used as a starting point, but customization is possible to meet specific requirements. Dashboards can display visualizations from multiple data sources, not just a single one. Dashboards can be accessed and viewed by end users, not just administrators. Additionally, dashboards can be scheduled for automated refresh, ensuring that the data is up-to-date.
Question: 5
Which of the following options accurately describe the data modeling capabilities in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Data modeling allows for the creation of complex calculations and aggregations.
B. Data modeling can only be performed using SQL queries.
C. Data modeling supports the creation of hierarchies and relationships between data elements.
D. Data modeling is limited to importing and connecting to only one data source.
E. Data modeling does not support data cleansing and transformation operations.
Answer: A, C
Explanation: Option A is correct because data modeling in IBM Cognos Analytics enables the creation of complex calculations and aggregations, allowing users to derive meaningful insights from the data. Option C is also correct because data modeling supports the creation of hierarchies and relationships between data elements, facilitating analysis and navigation through the data. Options B, D, and E are incorrect as they either describe limitations that do not exist or incorrect statements about the capabilities of data modeling in IBM Cognos Analytics. Data modeling can be performed using various techniques, not limited to SQL queries, can connect to multiple data sources, and supports data cleansing and transformation operations.
Question: 6
Which of the following statements accurately describe how a specific visualization in a dashboard can be filtered?
A. A developer can only keep or exclude data points within an axis.
B. A developer can create a Calculation within the dashboard that will filter a specific visualization.
C. A developer can also add a local filter to filter a column or to define a filter condition.
D. A developer can build an embedded filter in a data module.
E. A developer can keep or exclude a few data points in the visualization.
Answer: A, B
Explanation: Option A is correct because a developer can keep or exclude data points within an axis of a specific visualization in a dashboard. Option B is also correct because a developer can create a Calculation object within the dashboard that applies a filter to a specific visualization. This allows for more advanced filtering based on calculations and expressions. Options C, D, and E are incorrect as they either describe different filtering options (local filters, embedded filters) or incorrect ways to filter specific visualizations in a dashboard.
Question: 7
Which of the following actions can be performed when creating reports in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Applying conditional formatting to report elements.
B. Creating multidimensional models using OLAP cubes.
C. Importing data from external sources such as Excel.
D. Generating reports in plain text format only.
E. Defining complex data calculations using SQL queries.
Answer: A, C
Explanation: When creating reports in IBM Cognos Analytics, developers have the ability to apply conditional formatting to report elements, allowing for dynamic formatting based on specified conditions. They can also import data from external sources such as Excel, enabling integration with data from various systems. Creating multidimensional models using OLAP cubes is typically done through tools like PowerPlay Studio, which is not directly involved in report creation. Generating reports in plain text format only is not a limitation of Cognos Analytics, as it supports various output formats. While complex data calculations can be performed, they are typically achieved through expressions and calculations within the reporting tool, rather than using explicit SQL queries.
Question: 8
Which of the following components allow a developer to make a Cognos PowerCube available to end users by creating a package and publishing it?
A. Administration console
B. PowerPlay Client
C. PowerPlay Studio
D. Framework Manager
E. Transformer
F. Microsoft Studio
Answer: A, D, E
Explanation: To make a Cognos PowerCube available to end users, a developer can create a package and publish it using the Administration console, Framework Manager, and Transformer. The Administration console provides the necessary tools for managing and publishing packages. Framework Manager is used to create and define the metadata model for the PowerCube, while Transformer is used to build and publish the PowerCube itself. PowerPlay Client, PowerPlay Studio, and Microsoft Studio are not directly involved in making the PowerCube available to end users.
Question: 9
Which of the following features are available in IBM Cognos Analytics for enhancing user interactivity?
A. Drill-through navigation
B. Real-time data streaming
C. Natural language processing
D. Heat map visualizations
E. Integration with social media platforms
Answer: A, C, D
Explanation: IBM Cognos Analytics provides several features for enhancing user interactivity. Drill-through navigation allows users to explore related data in more detail by clicking on specific elements within a report or dashboard. Natural language processing enables users to interact with the system using natural language queries and commands, making it easier to retrieve information and generate reports. Heat map visualizations provide a visual representation of data using color gradients, allowing users to quickly identify patterns and trends. While real-time data streaming and integration with social media platforms are valuable features, they are not directly available in IBM Cognos Analytics for enhancing user interactivity.
Question: 10
Which of the following options is used to create a dynamic and interactive visualization in IBM Cognos Analytics?
A. Dashboard
B. Report
C. Data module
D. Query calculation
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct answer is A) Dashboard. A dashboard in IBM Cognos Analytics allows you to create dynamic and interactive visualizations by combining multiple reports, charts, and other visual components onto a single canvas. Dashboards provide a comprehensive view of key performance indicators (KPIs) and enable users to explore data, drill down into details, and analyze trends in a visually appealing and intuitive manner.

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