NCC Certified Neonatal Neuro-Intensive Care exam Dumps

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C-NNIC sample Questions

Question: 1
Which neuroimaging modality is commonly used to assess and modify treatment in neonatal neuro-intensive care?
A. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scan
B. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
C. Ultrasound
Answer: C
Explanation: Ultrasound is commonly used as a neuroimaging modality to assess and modify treatment in neonatal neuro-intensive care. It is a noninvasive and readily available imaging technique that can provide valuable information about the structure and function of the neonatal brain. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scan are less commonly used in neonatal neuro-intensive care. Therefore, the correct answer is option A, ultrasound.
Question: 2
During a comprehensive neurological exam of a neonate, which of the following findings would be considered abnormal?
A. Moro reflex
B. Absent suck reflex
C. Strong palmar grasp
Answer: B
Explanation: During a comprehensive neurological exam of a neonate, the absence of the suck reflex would be considered abnormal. The suck reflex is an important reflex that enables the neonate to feed and is indicative of normal neurological function. The Moro reflex and strong palmar grasp are normal findings in a neonatal neurological exam. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, absent suck reflex.
Question: 3
Which of the following is a maintenance strategy for neonates with neurologic injury?
A. Early initiation of physical therapy
B. Administration of antiviral medications
C. Use of protective headgear during activities
Answer: A
Explanation: Early initiation of physical therapy is a maintenance strategy for neonates with neurologic injury. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in promoting motor development, muscle strength, and functional abilities in neonates with neurologic injuries. It helps optimize neuroplasticity and Improve overall outcomes. Administration of antiviral medications (option A) is specific to viral infections and not a general maintenance strategy. The use of protective headgear during activities (option C) may be applicable in certain situations to prevent head injuries but is not a primary maintenance strategy for neurologic injuries.
Question: 4
Which of the following is an important aspect of preventing neurologic injury in at-risk neonates?
A. Early initiation of enteral feeding
B. Administration of vitamin K at birth
C. Avoidance of maternal opioid use during pregnancy
Answer: C
Explanation: Avoidance of maternal opioid use during pregnancy is an important aspect of preventing neurologic injury in at-risk neonates. Maternal opioid use during pregnancy can lead to neonatal abstinence syndrome and increase the risk of neurologic complications in the newborn. Early initiation of enteral feeding (option A) and administration of vitamin K at birth (option B) are important for overall neonatal health but are not specifically targeted at preventing neurologic injury in at-risk neonates.
Question: 5
Which of the following is a possible outcome of abnormal CNS development in the fetus?
A. Increased cognitive abilities
B. Normal motor function
C. Developmental delays
Answer: C
Explanation: A possible outcome of abnormal central nervous system (CNS) development in the fetus is developmental delays. Abnormal CNS development can lead to impairments in various areas of development, including cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities. Increased cognitive abilities and normal motor function would not be expected outcomes in the context of abnormal CNS development. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, developmental delays.
Question: 6
A neonate term neonate with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy developed
seizures at 24 hours of life.
What is the first line agent for treatment?
A. Diazepam
B. Phenytoin
C. Phenobarbital
Answer: C
Explanation: The first line agent for treatment of seizures in a neonate with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is Phenobarbital. Phenobarbital is a commonly used antiepileptic medication in neonates due to its efficacy and safety profile. It acts by enhancing the inhibitory effects of gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, thereby reducing seizure activity. Diazepam and Phenytoin are not typically used as first-line agents in this scenario. Diazepam may be used for acute seizure management, but it has a shorter duration of action and may cause respiratory depression in neonates. Phenytoin is more commonly used for the treatment of focal seizures in older children and adults.
Question: 7
Which of the following is an important aspect of prevention and management of health for at-risk neonates or those with neurologic injury?
A. Administration of antibiotics
B. Surgical intervention
C. Early intervention services
Answer: C
Explanation: Early intervention services are an important aspect of prevention and management of health for at-risk neonates or those with neurologic injury. Early intervention programs provide specialized support and therapies to promote optimal development and minimize the impact of neurologic injuries. Surgical intervention may be necessary in some cases but is not a universally applicable aspect of prevention and management. Administration of antibiotics is specific to the treatment of infections and may not be directly related to prevention and management in all cases. Therefore, the correct answer is option A, early intervention services.
Question: 8
Which of the following is a risk factor for abnormal CNS development in the fetus?
A. Regular prenatal check-ups
B. Adequate prenatal nutrition
C. Maternal smoking during pregnancy
Answer: C
Explanation: Maternal smoking during pregnancy is a known risk factor for abnormal central nervous system (CNS) development in the fetus. Smoking can lead to reduced oxygen supply and nutrient delivery to the developing fetus, which can negatively impact CNS development. Adequate prenatal nutrition and regular prenatal check-ups are important for overall fetal health but are not specifically associated with abnormal CNS development. Therefore, the correct answer is option A, maternal smoking during pregnancy.
Question: 9
Which of the following is an antepartum indicator of neurological risks to the fetus?
A. Maternal hypertension
B. Placental abruption
C. Fetal heart rate variability
Answer: B
Explanation: Placental abruption is an antepartum indicator of neurological risks to the fetus. Placental abruption refers to the premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, which can lead to decreased oxygen supply to the fetus and potentially result in neurological complications. Maternal hypertension can also have adverse effects on the fetus, but it is not specifically an antepartum indicator of neurological risks. Fetal heart rate variability is a measure of fetal well-being and does not directly indicate neurological risks. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, placental abruption.
Question: 10
Which of the following findings would be considered abnormal in a comprehensive neurological exam of a neonate?
A. Symmetric tonic neck reflex
B. Absence of Moro reflex
C. Sustained tonic neck reflex
Answer: C
Explanation: A sustained tonic neck reflex would be considered abnormal in a comprehensive neurological exam of a neonate. The tonic neck reflex, also known as the "fencing reflex," is a normal reflex that occurs when the infant's head is turned to one side, causing extension of the arm and leg on that side and flexion of the contralateral arm and leg. However, this reflex should not be sustained for an extended period of time. The absence of the Moro reflex (option B) would also be considered abnormal, as it is a normal startle reflex that should be present in neonates. The symmetric tonic neck reflex (option C) is a normal reflex that occurs when the infant's head is flexed or extended, causing flexion or extension of the arms and legs.
Question: 11
Which of the following is true regarding the use of EEG/aEEG in neonatal neuro-intensive care?
A. EEG/aEEG provides real-time monitoring of brain activity.
B. EEG/aEEG is only useful in identifying structural brain abnormalities.
C. EEG/aEEG is primarily used for diagnosing genetic disorders.
Answer: A
Explanation: EEG/aEEG provides real-time monitoring of brain activity in neonatal neuro-intensive care. It is a valuable tool for assessing brain function, detecting abnormalities, and monitoring response to treatment. EEG/aEEG is not limited to identifying structural brain abnormalities and can provide information about electrical activity and patterns in the brain. While EEG/aEEG may aid in the diagnosis of certain genetic disorders, it is not primarily used for this purpose. Therefore, the correct answer is option B, EEG/aEEG provides real-time monitoring of brain activity.
Question: 12
Which of the following neuroimaging modalities is commonly used to assess and modify treatment in neonates with neurologic conditions?
A. Positron emission tomography (PET)
B. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
C. Ultrasound Answer: B
Explanation: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is commonly used to assess and modify treatment in neonates with neurologic conditions. MRI provides detailed images of the brain's anatomy and can help identify structural abnormalities, such as brain lesions or malformations, that may be contributing to the neurologic condition. Positron emission tomography (PET) (option A) is a functional imaging technique that measures metabolic activity in the brain and is less commonly used in neonates. Ultrasound (option C) is another imaging modality that is often used in neonates due to its accessibility and ability to provide real-time imaging, but it may have limitations in visualizing certain structures and may not provide the same level of detail as MRI.
Question: 13
Which of the following is a neurologic monitoring technique commonly used in neonates?
A. Electroencephalography (EEG)
B. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
C. Computed tomography (CT) scan
Answer: A
Explanation: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a neurologic monitoring technique commonly used in neonates. EEG measures the electrical activity of the brain and can provide valuable information about brain function and abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scan are imaging techniques used to assess the structure of the brain but are not specifically monitoring techniques. Therefore, the correct answer is option A, EEG.
Question: 14
Which of the following is a neurophysiological monitoring technique used in neonates?
A. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
B. Computed tomography (CT)
C. Electroencephalography (EEG)
Answer: C
Explanation: Electroencephalography (EEG) is a neurophysiological monitoring technique used in neonates. EEG records the electrical activity of the brain and is useful for evaluating brain function, detecting seizures, and monitoring the effects of treatment in neonates with neurological conditions. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) (options A and C) are neuroimaging techniques used to assess structural abnormalities in the brain but are not considered neurophysiological monitoring techniques.
Question: 15
Which of the following best describes the pathophysiology of neurologic injuries in neonates?
A. Neurologic injuries in neonates can be caused by a variety of factors, including hypoxia, ischemia, and trauma.
B. Neurologic injuries in neonates result from genetic abnormalities.
C. Neurologic injuries in neonates are primarily caused by infectious agents.
Answer: A Explanation: Neurologic injuries in neonates can be caused by a variety of factors, including hypoxia, ischemia, and trauma. These factors can lead to damage ordisruption of the developing brain, resulting in neurologic injuries. While infectious agents and genetic abnormalities can also contribute to neurologic injuries, they are not the primary causes in neonates. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, neurologic injuries in neonates can be caused by a variety of factors, including hypoxia, ischemia, and trauma.

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